FUTURE-FORWARD 2024: Decoding Tomorrow’s Opportunities

I am exhilarated to engage with my brilliant futurist colleagues for a lively conversation on the future of digital assets and estate planning in the age of NFTs, and to analyze the transformative impact of AI, blockchain, and extended reality!

Join us in “Decoding future opportunities – horizon 2024 and beyond!”

๐Ÿš€ Terdema Ussery, a visionary in forecasting future trends.
๐Ÿš€ Sara Adami-Johnson Esq, Ph.D, TEP, LL.M, JD, CFPยฎ, expert in the intersection of technology and societal change
๐Ÿš€ Sylvia Gallusser, a renowned global futurist
๐Ÿš€ Dafu Gao, a forward-thinker in the world of emerging technologies.
๐Ÿš€ Monica L, OKX

Don’t miss tomorrow’s grande premiere of “Season of Innovation 2023” organized by Lisa M. Lum and Friends of the Metaverseยฎ

Discover the full program and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/friends-of-the-metaverse-season-of-innovation-2023-tickets-626692733837

Published by Sylvia

Futurist - Futures Thinking & Strategic Foresight

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