Futuring with Aging and Life Extension

Our third issue of FUTURE VISION is out!! 📰

⁉ Our Question of the Week: Have you ever wondered why you are not comfortable thinking about your future self? Why doesn’t your brain want to go there and visualize yourself in 5, 10, 50 years? And why can’t commit to promises made to your future self?

🛰️ Signals: We investigate brain-computer interfaces, 3-D printed organs, life with Down syndrome.

📺 Envisioning: Aging and Life Extension! Imagine a world with extended health span, the end of memory loss, robotic companions, reversed aging, cryonics, cloning, mind uploading, and eternal life… Would you like to live in such futures?

📨 Taste of the Future: We invite you to write a letter to your future self!

Your brain is the best time travel machine! Time to join the journey…

👉 Subscribe to #FutureVision today! https://lnkd.in/gWfkwJxy 👈

Published by Sylvia

Futurist - Futures Thinking & Strategic Foresight

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