Past, Present, Future: Writing our History

🌟 Greetings, Futures Thinkers and Builders! 🌟

Welcome to the latest edition of Future Vision, where we explore the future and the intersection of technology, culture, and the human experience. In this issue, we delve into the rich tapestry of our collective past, examine the signals of our future, and invite you to engage in thought-provoking whatif scenarios.

🏺 The Importance of Learning from History

As futurists, we often gaze toward the horizon, anticipating the next breakthroughs and disruptions, and achieving long term vision. But let us not forget that our future is intricately woven into the fabric of our past. Understanding history provides context, illuminates patterns, and offers valuable lessons. So, fellow time travelers, let’s embark on a journey through the ages!

⛑️ Gaza’s Dire Famine Situation

UN officials sound the alarm: famine looms in Gaza. With half a million people facing catastrophic hunger, urgent humanitarian efforts are essential. Let us rally together to address this crisis and prevent further suffering.

🏞️🧊 Rebuilding Arctic Ice Caps

As Arctic ice shrinks by 13% each decade, innovative initiatives emerge. Scientists pump sea water from under the ice cap and they scatter reflective powder to protect ice from the sun’s rays to bring the Arctic to “refreeze”. Can we reverse the tide of climate change? Can we contain the destructive course of history since our planet has entered the Anthropocene?

📖✍️ Yellowface: A Literary Thriller

R.F. Kuang’s novel, Yellowface, skewers the publishing industry’s treatment of ethnic diversity. It’s a witty exploration of cultural appropriation, identity, and the power of storytelling. A must-read for all book lovers, which investigates what we are allowed to write about, whether we can tell a (hi)story which is not part of our own heritage, what forms sensitivity reading takes in the age of social media trolling and cancel culture.

🦕🔨🌴 Sapiens: A Graphic History

Dive into the beautifully illustrated world of Sapiens: A Graphic History by Yuval Noah Harari. This engaging narrative traces humanity’s evolution, blending biology and history. But mostly, it questions our commitment to create hopeful futures in alignment with our past achievements.

March 14, 2024 – Vol.1, Issue 7.

📝 How do you Envision the Future of Writing?

  1. What if writing became obsolete, and all knowledge were transmitted through images, sounds, and gestures?
  2. What if writing was restricted to a privileged elite, and most people had no access to literacy or education?
  3. What if history was erased every generation, and people had to start from scratch without any collective memory or cultural heritage?
  4. What if history was erased and rewritten by AI, and humans had no control over how the past was interpreted and presented?
  5. What if writing was a crime, and anyone who dared to express their thoughts or opinions in written form faced severe punishment?
  6. What if writing was a virus, and anyone who came into contact with written texts became infected with a contagious disease?
  7. What if history was a lie, and people were fed false information and propaganda by a powerful regime or corporation?
  8. What if writing was a gift, and only a few people had the ability to write, and they were revered as prophets, artists, or leaders?

📓🖋️🔮 Remember, dear readers, our words shape the world. Let’s honor our past, embrace the present, and craft a future where stories ignite change. Until next time, keep writing boldly! ✨

Published by Sylvia

Futurist - Futures Thinking & Strategic Foresight

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